Pre-registration (2019-2020 Fall Semester)



The pre-registration process will take place on the internet from 17 to 26 June 2019.

Candidates receive a password via the New Candidate Registration link at and apply for pre-registration (do not use e-mail addresses with the extension @

Photo Upload

Biometric-sized, 185x185 pixel size, maximum 1 MB size, Jpg / Jpeg format passport photos should be uploaded.

Identity Card Information

The accuracy of your information is checked from MERNIS information system.

Contact Information

Your open notification address ,your phone number and e-mail address.

High School Information

It is the high school information you have graduated from, it is requested for statistical purposes.

Preference Procedures

- In the event that the name of the department / program that is graduated in the system does not appear in the system while entering information about the education, the candidates may contact the relevant Graduate School and request that it be added to the Pre-Registration Information System.

- After the applicants have given “pre-registration approval program, in order to change the program or make any other corrections, they need to apply to the Graduate School in person between June 17-26 2019 and request ‘cancellation of candidate approval’

Education Information

Candidates process on the system with the education information obtained from YÖKSİS database.

Check the web address of  for your education information

- If you are unable to access your education information, contact the university where you graduated /will be graduated to solve the problem.

- Candidates who do not have information in YÖKSİS database will not be able to pre-register online.

- Candidates who have graduated from a higher education institution abroad must apply to the Graduate School personally with the documents requested in the registration between 9 am- 5pm(can also apply with the notary power of attorney).

Information about the Exams

Candidates can process with ALES information obtained from OSYM database (ALES scores of 2014 ALES fall semester and subsequent periods are valid for applications).

YDS / e-YDS / YÖKDİL Foreign language exam information is taken over the system (valid for 5 years from the date the exam result is announced).

- Other foreign language exam results which are accepted as equivalent by OSYM can be entered into the Pre-Registration Information System: T.C. National applicants apply to the related Graduate School; foreign nationals apply to Education and External Relations Coordination Office of our University with the documents requested in the final registration between 9am-5pm. (The application can be made with the notary power of attorney)The foreign language exam is valid for 2 years from the date of announcement.

Control and Approval Process

After the pre-registration process is completed, applicants must confirm that they have entered the information completely and correctly through the Pre-registration Information System.

- Applications that are not approved by the candidates are considered invalid.

Note: The applications of those who make false information and declarations are canceled and necessary legal procedures are initiated against them.

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